Bootstrap Kubernetes cluster with Terraform

Initial bootstrap of the Kubernetes cluster using this version of the Terraform script branched from the ISDA/terraform repo master branch. 1 control-plane node and 2 workers.


openstack_projectid   = "e1a...bd3a"

cluster_name          = "spt3g"
cluster_description   = "SPT-3G cluster"
controlplane_count    = 1
worker_count          = 2
worker_flavor         = "m1.xlarge"
metallb_floating_ip   = 1
ingress_controller    = "none"
traefik_dashboard     = false
longhorn_enabled      = false
monitoring_enabled    = false

The API key and secret credentials we created in the Radiant dashboard did not provide the permissions needed to create resources when the terraform script ran, so we had to use personal credentials.

The generated README file:

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
openstack private key = $HOME/.ssh/spt3g.pem

# control-plane nodes
ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/spt3g.pem centos@

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# METAL LB (load balancer)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
floating ip 0 = ==

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
kubeconfig = $HOME/.kube/spt3g.kubeconfig
export KUBECONFIG="$HOME/.kube/spt3g.kubeconfig"

The script that was generated is mostly inapplicable to our case, because we plan to deploy the infrastructure level applications via ArgoCD. The only parts of the script we retained are:


# change directory
cd $(dirname $0)

# switch to correct cluster config
export KUBECONFIG="$HOME/.kube/spt3g.kubeconfig"

# make sure cluster folder exists in storage condo
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i spt3g.pem centos@ \
  'sudo mount /mnt && ' \
  'sudo mkdir -p /mnt/spt3g/backup && ' \
  'sudo umount /mnt'

# patch weave to allow for externalPolicy: Local
if [ "$(kubectl get daemonsets.apps -n kube-system weave-net -o yaml | grep NO_MASQ_LOCAL)" == "" ]; then
  echo '# Patching weavenet to allow externalPolicy=Local'
  kubectl patch daemonsets.apps -n kube-system weave-net --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/env/-", "value": {"name": "NO_MASQ_LOCAL", "value": "1" } }]' --dry-run=none

Run the script:

$ bash 
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
# Patching weavenet to allow externalPolicy=Local
daemonset.apps/weave-net patched